Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Chhay Bora proposed eliminating fake DVD production in order to protect intellectual property

By on 2:30 AM
edIm,IemIlvIDIGU nig edanelat)ansUmcucxageRkamenH
Chhay Bora film producer and president of the Association of Cambodia requested that all circles to eliminate fake VCD and DVD products to promote as well as the author's copyright or producer.

Speaking at a seminar on the protection of intellectual property rights held by the US Embassy in collaboration with Westec Media Limited and the Motion Picture Association Association of Cambodia.

Meanwhile Chhay Bora, who heads the Association of Khmer movie (Motion Picture Association of Cambodia) and Palm's director cited several relating to ownership especially from joint intellectual eliminate fake DVD production. Two key points that the producer is urged to support people listening and watching DVD Original.

In addition, the producer of "3.5", which recently received the green light from the Ministry of Culture, said that as a Kon Khmer are also very happy with international cinema theaters Levi Chin Platinum and reflex.

"In Cambodia, there is no place for its movie industry will not grow. So we have our principles to protect the interests of the theaters, which obtained exclusive rights from other countries, especially Studio Hollywood, so that everyone can eat and expanded cinema anymore. " Chhay Bora.

In relation to this point, president of the Association of Cambodia's Khmer Chhay Bora said that these two factors have a connection between the producer and domestic cinemas which require producers to participate in the Association written some strategies to prevent and fake DVD production .

Again, he stressed, calling for all citizens to support the production work of producers Khmer avoid buying fake DVD and create many to join tracks not just eliminate all the fake DVD only .

Finally, the president of the Association of Khmer Chhay Bora encouraged and asked to sell DVD into DVD original to help thanks to the work of the original owner, and also to maintain the intellectual property to those produced in the cinema and progress has been recognized.
edIm,IemIlvIDIGU nig edanelat)ansUmcucxageRkamenH


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