Eat balanced and healthy
Biological response in order to prevent hair loss is a common common to take care of your hair and scalp healthy. A healthy body is likely to have a good head of hair than those with bad hair. The hair loss can be slowed through a healthy diet with fruits and vegetables. Some vitamins and minerals have special benefits to support healthy hair and prevent hair loss.
Eating plenty of iron
Iron is an important mineral. Too little iron can cause anemia, a disease disrupt the supply of nutrients to the hair roots, especially, it will increase hair loss once . To avoid this, be sure that you eat iron-rich foods regularly. Iron-rich foods such as red meat, chicken and fish. The vegetables are referring to green vegetables such as prostate Colin Cabbage Speu and morning glory.
Eating enough protein
Protein is important to help keep hair strong. Protein deficiency can cause hair dry and weak, which will last a hair loss problem. Get enough protein will provide amino acids for building healthy hair in a shampoo. But it is the kind of diet for help in improving the health of hair and prevent hair loss. You can get protein from seafood, meat, poultry, milk, cheese, milk, soy yogurt, brown rice protein Colin or lean beef.
Vitamin C intake
Foods rich in vitamin C will help absorb iron very well, so let's try to include iron-rich foods with vitamin C-rich foods diet. Vitamin C also helps the body to produce collagen to strengthen the blood vessels to nourish hair. A good source of vitamin C include:
• citrus fruits, green vegetables, grilled potato salad and tomato
• Avocados blue-black berries and strawberries are all good sources.
Eating fatty acid omega-three enough
This type of fat will maintain healthy hair and prevent hair damage and dryness. It also has been found in the skin cells and provide moisture to the scalp and hair. It's essential fats that our body can not produce on its own, but you can get it from the diet. Rich foods are fish such as salmon and tuna species such as grain, beans, pumpkin seeds and peanuts.
Biotin rich foods
Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamins and is essential for hair, because if this is not enough, but it could cause damage and hair fall. It is a good source of animal liver, eggs, grain and soybeans.
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